SUBJECT: ✦ algoforte05live, strudel, major arcana, new website 📡 The Irregular Broadcast #240128 ✦

"... the performativity of code, in live coding or code acts, demonstrates the potential for collective intelligence and effective action. It proposes coding practices that have not only a body but also a body politic"

-- Geoff Cox ()

📡 ✦ The Irregular Broadcast #240128 ✦ 📡


welcome to the update about curent work and forthcoming events that I send once in a while - usually less than once a month. It is not tracking your clicks or opens, on purpose, so direct feedback is extremely welcome - feel free to hit reply and let me know what you're thinking (or feeling or listening or watching or reading)!

I really hope your winter-time is warm (someplace inside) and you are progressing well through days and virii aren't catchin-ya! I personally was hit with some downtime but I'm very near being back at my regular 100% as far as physical health is concerned.

But there are good news to tell you! I'm releasing a new collection of piano-based recordings - in fact it's a rare one: a live document where I have also allowed sounds of typing and people's movement and, you know, the regular concert-goers with their coughs and sneezes and such; it's a recording from my performance of livecoded composition titled ALGOFORTE 5 performed at Ljubljana New Music Forum who also comissioned the piece. The release is currently in a pre-order, so you can buy it on Bandcamp... it's in an musical album AND video form and it is coming out on the last day of the month - 31/JAN. It is also available through my webpage...

strudel workshop

Before I tell you about my webpage, here's a possibly more important information for those of you who are nearby (in Ljubljana): I'm doing an introductory workshop with the most wonderful language to easily start live-coding music: Strudel! and it's this wednesday 31/JAN at 17:00 at Studio103/Emanat (Prekomorci). It is intended to be a FLINTA*-safe space. Please send us a quick email to to register for free, but all info is on ... everyone is most warmly welcome - no programming knowledge necessary!

major arcana w/ tamara kezz

Another local event is our lovely tiny little genre-queer clubnight Major Arcana at the end of the week, on friday 2/FEB in Klub Monokel. We are welcoming the talented Tamara Kezz to play grooves and electro-attacks together with Gašper Torkar and myself - as usually we switch every hour and visitors get a very special free tarot card at the bar. Please come and let me know if you need to get on the guest list! There will also be a video stream but don't tell anyone, shhh!


After almost two years (if not more) of trying different open-source solutions, starting to write my own and then again abandoning in frustration, trying something else, giving up, giving in, and so on... I found time and energy and (most importantly!) patience to start writing my own tiny engine for my webpage, again. I told myself "if it's gonna take a year, it should take a year" and suddenly, I have a minimally working version in two days?! It's hacky, very rough, but the core works exactly the way I want it to. It's probably very inelegant, but it's mine. It's my turf and it can be in continuous construction.

(this is not an official opening, just a 'soft launch')
