weeknote #23.1

"mad jakale, xenophoby, major arcana"

mad jakale

This week rehearsals started. A proper name for this project would probably be rather "Image Snatchers present Mad Jakale", or at least that would be a a proper working title. M.'s work as author, choreographer and director is as always amazingly inspirational, thorough, and well researched. Aftern another working weekend that we had about a month ago, this week we kicked it off with focused researsals. Monday till Friday for about five hours per day.

We have literature, we have films, and ideas, and we work with body a lot, a bit of somatic techniques, a bit of warmup hour session - these are getting us fit, fit for stage work.

My role as both composer/musician and performer is a challenge, but currently I'm also somehow slowly trying to get it, feel it... at the same time, there are concrete things that I should tackle head-on, but, as is often the case with me, I'm delaying.

kamizdat, xenophoby

I'm trying to save the catastrophic state of things in regards to the netlabel Kamizdat. We should have released Saša Spačal's album right now, but the design is late and I have been sitting on some stuff, and delaying. Same with Access Frame: Xenophoby compilation... for which me and L came up with a good, possibly realistic solution so that we have a release in less then three weeks: a audio.zine, collage of processed sounds and improvisations sent to us by invited collaboraters. The collage would be put together by me with a bit of feedback/dialogue with ala pecula.

major arcana

Friday, yesterday, was a third installment of a club night called Major Arcana, started this year by Gašper Torkar and myself as a way to simply dj more (one day we were having a coffee and realised we're both missing to DJ, so we said, let's do it together, simply). While the idea of the name and also giving out tarot cards to every member of the audience comes from Gašper, and I agreed to it with an effort to simply allow a collective voice here, I struggle to find an explanation for it. While I have a past full of "connnections", and witchy spirituality, including theosophy and Carlos Castaneda, last decade was quite a sober one, where my spirituality somewhat converted into something based on a much more materialist philosophy. So, for me the question I've been thinking a lot was how to justify the idea of 'cartomancy' in times like these. After last gig two months ago, I told G about these questions in my head, and he kinda stopped me in my tracks by appealing to lower any ambition in a sense: "keep it simple, don't complicate things, let's just play".

Anyway, I've been enjoying these nights and this very small queer club (where I played before, often all-nighters), also experimenting with gender-queer attire and make-up, with slightly more dare, tiptoeing towards confidence with cross-dressing. This year I've gone further then ever before.