end of may 2023 update
reflection on action and time, gemini logs, work past week incl. remixes "
It's the end of the month. It's one of those rare Sundays with some possible free time. Or at least a bit relaxed schedule, if nothing else.
Or Action.
Perhaps it is more important, what happens then when it happens. What do we do instead of when do we do it. This is of course not another search for reasons for procrastionation. At the moment I feel like when (no pun) I/we know what is it that I/we want to do, it becomes important that I/we actually do it. Is it a big project? A life-long project? Or a small action, small step in the journey? Regardless, it has to be done. It has to be worked on. In reasonable - time, situation, circumstance. I'm rambling.
I will admit, virtual coworking (working together, working with someone) is saving me from my procrastination habits - daily, weekly... When I manage to use it (focusmate is the platform), it gives me a feeling that I'm actually moving. Moving from place A to next step.
The reason I'm writing this now, is because I read some gemlogs this morning and it kinda motivated through a vision of small-effort public logging (blogging?) that is happening in the Gemini capsules. This effort for smol pages, simple protocol, minimalist, non-designed online spaces with mostly text content, non-javascript-bloated creation of fun and personal logs, empowered by unix/linux knowledge for the layman, are an incredible inspiration.
Looking back,
last week, a demanding execution of (another, almost 80th) Technoburlesque: Image Snatchers at Klub Gromka. It was demanding because I did two solo dance numbers in the show. I'm overweight, without much condition, starting to get pretty strong backpain daily, and one number demands following a set choreography. Bare in mind that at the same time I'm running the audio and video on the show too. I setup mics, mixer connections, stage monitors, projection... I also get all the costumes from our studio to the club, and back the next day. So it's a bit crazy, it's a lot of work.
I was pretty much blown to pieces the next two days. My body was hurting real hard. But I see my performance as an achievement, despite the fact I have some strong conflicting feelings about these dance solos. I rely on feedback from others about what it means and what comes out of it. When I'm looking at the video recordings of these performances I struggle to like it. I can understand what's in them that 'works', rationally and analytically, but my ego is resisting since it cannot find anything beautiful in it.
I did two (online) interviews, well the other was more of a call/brain-picking. The first one through invitation by amazing Konrad Behr but actually interviewed with another netlabel owner Frank-Christian Stoffel. I'm finding these interviews an interesting experience since through questions, talking and thinking I sometimes arrive at some type of new understanding and articulation.
Specifically on the second call some things came out of my mouth, that I found interesting: I articulated my interests as a cross-section of two otherwise distinct areas: aesthetic dimension of sound and video (time-based arts), and on the other hand a socio-political dimension revolving around an 'individual as a social animal' - in other words how a person, with all their psychological baggage engages with the world, and specifically with society, an extremely strong desire to be part of a community not withstanding.
Now, w.r.t. music composition work:
- finishing a remix for megabyteGhost aka beatMage
- working on a track for Grounded festival compilation
- considering writing a track for fedivision too
- work for new 'Image Snatchers presents Mad Jakale (working title)' is ongoing, and very very inspirational
There's more, of course, so much more. But let me rather finish here and write more often.
- Gemini (protocol), Wikipedia
- tildes - small unix servers for people who like to dabble in a terminal and write basic (or not so basic) html and css and therefore handwrite their homepages
- neocities.org - the defunct geocities revamped into a new era - personal hand-written (or generated static) html pages
- konrad-behr.de
- derkleinegruenewuerfel.de/en/about
- grounded.si